Watch "Little Bear"

"Little Bear" is a short film that I hold close to my heart for many reasons.

It recently completed it's Film Festival run around the world and the film makers, Daire Glynn and Ger Duffy have generously made it available online.

If you have 12 minutes to spare, make yourself a cup of tea, grab some tissues and sit back to drink in this gorgeous little film.
Starring Kieran O'Reilly (Love/Hate), Calum Heath (The Canal) and myself.

I'd love to hear what you think.

Little Bear

The beginning of 2015 started in the most perfect way.

I had the pleasure of working with actors Kieran O'Reilly (Love/Hate) and Calum Heath (The Canal) on short film "Little Bear" Directed by Daire Glynn and Ger Duffy.

I can't wait to share this creation with everyone!

Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter so you catch this when it's released!

with Kieran O'Reilly and Calum Heath in "Little Bear"